Another update ...
I talked to Joyce who is one of the owners of Paws Place, the shelter that took the Meezer in, now known as "Isaac", and he is doing better now that he has had treatment for the fleas and worms, and he also has an URI and is being treated for this (I forgot that Paul, Joyce's husband told me about the URI), which she said might be why his canine tooth seems to be infected. And possibly the FeLV test was a false positive, but they won't know until he is done with the antibiotics for the URI and can be retested. Paul is in love with Isaac, he is living in their home with them and their woofies, and they all get along!! Joyce said that they may keep him as their own Meezer, and she will keep me updated on him. If he doesn't have FeLV and they decide to adopt him out, Keith and I are seriously thinking about taking him in. Whatever the outcome may be as far as where Isaac has a furever home, I am just praying that he doesn't have FeLV. Thank you all so much for your concern, that is why I love being a part of such a wonderful and caring cat community. And thank you Joyce and Paul at Paws Place!
Much love,
Jan here ...
Unfortunately the Meezer that Keith and I found Monday is in bad shape, he had fleas, worms, an infected canine tooth and worse of all, FeLV, so we're are thankful that we kept him outside and didn't really handle him other than to put him in the carrier so there would be no interaction with our Meezers. The vet the no kill shelter uses said that someone probably dumped him because they knew he was sick and couldn't afford to pay his vet bills, and that just hurts so me much to think about, I have been upset about this since I found out this morning. Keith and I gave them a donation when they picked him up to help with their shelter, but I have a need to try to help them more since they are depending totally on donations, and are doing what they do because they want to save abandoned furbabies.
Please say some prayers for this poor Meezer boy ...
I am so sad that such a beautiful and loving Meezer is so ill. We will purr for him.
His parents should be ashamed of themselves for abandoning him, it makes me so sad (and mad)! You were very kind and generous to help.
Fleas and worms are easily taken care of but I guess dental work is expensive :-( I have heard that FeLV cats can live long and healthy lives. Maybe another good soul will give him a one-cat home...we can always hope.
Poor little Meezer boy.
Mom Paula
This poor sweetheart. :-(
We'll purr and purray for him, for his Highest Good.
-Fuzzy Tales
Oh we are so sorry to hear this. We are purring for him.
Poor guy. That is horrible to think that someone just dumped him outside like that-
Oh no. That is awful. Poor baby boy. We hope he gets the care and love he needs.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
OH we are so sad. He is such a handsome boy.
All of those things are workable conditions.
The fleas, worms and tooth are easily taken care of, the FeLV is a bit more involved. But a single cat home would be what he needs....sigh...we can hope.
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^ >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie
We also hope that this sweet boy can find a single cat home, the FeLV is why he couldn't become the 4th RMM ... keeping our paws crossed someone will want to give him the loving home he deserves.
This makes us sad because Meezers are precious. We agree that the fleas and worms and tooth issues are easily resolved (most of us had those issues when we arrived). We hope that with love and good medical care he can live a good life. Maybe with a home with no other kitties or where other kitties also have FeLV. He deserves a good life. He's very handsome.
That is so terrible. His former people should be ashamed to have abandoned this poor kitty like that!
We are purring and praying for him...
Poor little Meezer. Thank you for helping him. Now he's at the shelter and will get care for his bad teeth, fleas et al he stands a very good chance of living a long healthy life. He's a very handsome boy too!
Whicky Wuudler
Your parents saveed him from a certain death from being outside with noone to care for him.
Moe (the birthday boy!), Carmela, and Cosmo
We're glad Isaac is getting proper treatment now. And you are right..the FeLV might be a false positive! Paws crossed that it is!!
And we are so happy to hear that he will have a happy home!! YAY!
Thanks for the update. Mom was so upset when she read about poor Issac but maybe things are looking up for him!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We are purring that he doesnt have FeLV...
Things are looking up for Issac. We will keep purring for him.
Poor little guy. We hope when Isaac is retested for FeLV, that a good result is acquired.
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