Our furriends Kashim, Othello and Salome are hosting a Weekend of Remembrance this weekend. Since we began blogging in January of 2008, first as the St. Louis Meezers and now as the Rocky Mount Meezers, we have met so many wonderful furriends through the CB, and sadly, so many them have ran off to the Bridge since then. We are lighting this candle in remembrance of all of our CB furriends at the Bridge, and also in remembrance of our brofur Max, who ran off to the Bridge on May 27th of 2000.

We, too, have our candle lit this weekend, for all who have crossed, and especially (for us) for Annie and Chumley.
Purrs and Light.
-Fuzzy Tales
We're doing our remembrance post tomorrow. We are honoring those who came before and especially our sweet Sniffie.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We also have a candle for all our Bridge furriends and our sisfur, Georgia.
~ The Bunch
We lit a candle too in honor of those we have lost.
Cats of Wildcat Woods
Those that have left us will always live on in our hearts. Max will always live on in yours....
It was so nice to have a remembrance weekend. We have the candle on our sidebar for all kitties and doggies who have passed. Max included. Mom lit a candle for Patches, Gizmo and Amber. We still miss them. Thank you so very much for your Sympathies, purrs, prayers and hugs for Patches, it was greatly appreciated.
Casper and Cleo
We are late, but REMEMBERING...
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