The theme for today's
Photo Hunt is "Closed".

My Momma keeps the doors to the two guest bedrooms and the guest bathroom on our lower level closed, because she wants "cat hair free" rooms for their family and friends when they come to visit. For some reason, I really dislike having this particular bedroom closed off and sometimes I sit outside of it and meow and meow. Whenever she hears me down here meowing, she will ask me "Sam, are you looking for ghosts?"
You never know, there just might
be ghosts lurking in there ... hee hee!
be ghosts lurking in there ... hee hee!
Have a great Saturday, furriends,
hopefully with no "closed" doors!
hopefully with no "closed" doors!
Or MONSTERS! We are pretty sure we have some of those in the hall closet.
Are there ghosts in there? Oh my!
Ghosts, hehehe! You never know what's behind those doors!
Maybe those lasers of yours can open those doors, Sam!
My mom warns everyone that they will experience cat fur when they visit! No closed doors here!
Moms don't know about those special things we can see that they don't. We like to keep them guessing!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We hate closed doors too!
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie
You should plan something spooky to spring on your Mom! Give her a good scare and she just might let you have your way:)
Sit at the door and hiss! Maybe Mom will open it ta see whats inside...
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